Rabbit keeping is increasingly becoming more and more popular, maybe due to the fact that these animals can withstand any given climatic environment. there is also an increase in demand for them within the country. These are some of the factors to consider before raring these animals 1. Housing Make sure the house has sufficient airflow and is tidy and clean. Make sure there are numerous cages when building the rabbits' home since the male and female rabbits must be kept apart. This will assist you regulate the rabbits' rapid rate of reproduction because they reproduce quickly in the first place. The rabbits should be able to eat, sleep, hide, hop, run, play, jump, and dig in the rabbit house. Make sure the cage is 12 square feet with an additional larger area of 32 square feet for exercise to ensure you are giving them enough room. Cover the walls, doors, and roofs with bamboo wood placed 20mm apart or chicken wire nets for proper ventilation. 2. Management Vaccinate them a...