The president of the republic of Kenya, William S. Ruto recently launched the "Hustler Fund" program, which aims to assist SMEs (Small Business Enterprises) in regaining their footing following the crippling effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Consider the following simple business start-up ideas: 1. MAIZE BOILING BUSINESS Setting up this type of business is very simple, and the prerequisites are not difficult to find as long as you know where to get your stock at a lower price. Each corn costs about Ksh 15. After deducting your expenses (firewood/charcoal, Jiko/Stove), you can easily sell it for twice the price and make a profit of Ksh 1,000, or even more depending on where you sell it. Selling on a busy street will earn you more money than selling in a compound with fewer visitors. 2. WEB DESIGN Nowadays, an increasing number of businesses are going online to target not only the local market but also international buyers. There aren't many w...